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Messaging Overview

The Message & Notification feature allows for sending and receiving messages and notifications from within the system. The system uses the email attached to your profile to send and receive messages. While this feature can be used to send external messages, it is more common to email your customers or vendors from other areas of the system directly, such as, sending purchase orders, orders, and estimates. 

Table of Contents

Navigate to My Profile / Messages & Notifications.

Composing Messages

1. Navigate to My Profile / Messages & Notifications.

2. Select the Green Plus icon, a Compose New Message screen will open. 

    a. To - Begin typing the recipient name, a list of employees in the system will populate. Select the person(s) who you are directing your message to.

Note: You can send CC and BCC copies of this message. 

    b. Subject - Enter a brief topic for this message.

    c. Attachments - Add any attachments. 

    d. Body of the Message - Compose the message using standard message tools in the body. 

3. Click Send Message.  

Note: You don't need to have a from email to send internally in the system. 


4. Go to the Sent tab.  Here you will see all your sent messages. 

    a. Click on a sent message to expand. 

    b. Click on the Ellipsis to Mark as Unread, Delete, Reply, Replay All, and Forward.

Note: Shortcuts for Reply, Reply All and Forward are in the body of the message. 

5. Go to the Deleted tab. Here you will see any messages that you deleted.

    a. Click on the checkbox next to the deleted message(s).

    b. Select Undelete in the dropdown to remove from deleted. The message will return to it's prior status, that is, Inbox or Sent. 

Notifications Received

Notifications are internal alerts to your inbox based on preset criteria. For more information on how to setup a notification, please see Notification Overview. When a Notification is setup for an employee, the system will automatically send an inbox message based on the criteria of the notification. For more information on setting up an employee notification, please see Managing Employees.

1. Navigate to My Profile / Messages & Notifications.

2. Go to the Inbox tab.

    a. Click on an inbox message to expand. 

    b. Click on the Ellipsis on the right to Mark as Read, Delete, Reply, Reply All, and Forward.

Note: Shortcuts for Reply, Reply All and Forward are in the body of the message. 

Other Navigation 

A convenient feature from anywhere in the system is a quick navigation to your inbox and your notifications.

1. Click on the Message or Bell icon to go directly to your Inbox. 

Modified on: 2025-01-07 09:35:11 -0700

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