The Task list is an efficient way to organize specific jobs and assignments for all of your employees in one convenient location.
Table of Contents
- Creating a Task
- Marking a Task as Completed
- Filter Options
- Accessing My Tasks using the Navigation Bar
- Adding a Task Type in Settings
Creating a Task
To create a task, navigate to My Profile / Tasks.
1. Select either My Tasks or All Tasks tab depending on if this task will be assigned to you or another employee.
Note: Owner and Administrative users can create tasks and assign them to anyone. Standard and Production users can create a task and assign it to themselves, the owner, or the house account, if that has been enabled.
2. Click the green Plus Icon.
3. Fill in all necessary Task Details.
Note: Only those fields marked with a red asterisk are required.
a. Title - Give the task a recognizable title. Often, this will be the same as the Task Type.
b. Task Type - Select the Task Type from the dropdown menu.
c. Assigned To - Use the dropdown to set the employee this task will be assigned to.
d. Task Due Date and Time - Select the calendar icons to open up options for a date and time the task will need to be completed by.
e. Order/Estimate Number - Use the dropdown to select either an order or estimate number this task is associated with.
f. Customer - Choose the name of the customer this task is associated with from the dropdown.
4. Click the Green Save Button in order to save this Task.
5. After completion, this Task can be marked as completed using the checkbox.
After a task has been saved, you will be given the option to add notes in the Task Notes section.
6. Type the pertinent information in the typing field.
7. Click Save. The text will then show in the comments box.
Marking a Task as Completed
There are multiple ways in which you can mark a Task as completed.
1. Select the Task from the Task List.
2. Click the green Mark as Complete button.
1. Select the checkmark next to the Task in the Task List.
2. Choose Mark as Complete from the dropdown.
1. Select the Checkmark at the end of the row containing the Task you have completed.
1. Select the ellipsis at the end of the row containing the Task you would like marked as complete.
2. Choose Mark as Complete.
Filter Options
To better organize Tasks in your list, you may want to use specific parameters, or Filter Options.
To begin, navigate to My Profile / Tasks.
1. Select the My Tasks tab.
2. Click the Filter Button to open the Filter Options Menu.
3. Select the appropriate Filter Options.
a. Task Type - Select a Task Type from the dropdown menu.
b. Company - Use the dropdown to choose a company.
c. Due Date - Click on the calendar icon to choose a date.
d. Show Completed - Tasks that have already been marked as completed will show as an italicized item in your My Tasks list when this checkbox is selected.
Filter Options are helpful in narrowing a search when looking through the list for All Tasks.
4. Select the All Tasks tab.
5. Click the Filter Button to open the Filter Options Menu.
6. Select the appropriate Filter Options
a. Task Type - Select a Task Type from the dropdown menu.
b. Assigned To - Filter by the assignee.
c. Company - Use the dropdown to choose a company.
d. Due Date - Click on the calendar icon to choose a date.
e. Show Completed - Tasks that have already been marked as completed will show as an italicized item in your My Tasks list when this checkbox is selected.
Accessing My Tasks using the Navigation Bar
You can quickly and easily access your own My Tasks list from any module in the system
1. Click on the My Tasks icon at the top right of the screen.
a. View My Tasks - This will open a new tab in your browser that takes you directly to your complete list of tasks found in My Profile / Tasks.
b. New Task - Quickly add a task using the pop up.
Adding a Task Type in Settings
Task Types can be managed at any time by navigating to Settings / Sales / Task Types.
1. Select the green Plus Icon.
2. Create a name for the new Task Type.
3. Select the green Checkmark to save it to the list.
4. You may Set Inactive or Delete a Task Type by clicking on the ellipsis at the end of the row.