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Listen360 is a customer survey management software that offers users the ability to send out surveys, allowing you to quickly record and view customer feedback. Through CoreBridge, you can easily have these surveys automatically sent once an Order has been completed. 

Table of Contents

Benefits of Integrating with Listen360

  • Automatically send customer feedback surveys based on the status of Orders, streamlining the process and ensuring consistent customer engagement. 
  • Use the feedback collected through Listen360 to identify areas for improvement, boosting overall customer satisfaction. 
  • Customize when the surveys will be sent based on business preference, allowing flexibility on how feedback is gathered.

How to Integrate CoreBridge with Listen360

To integrate Listen360 with your CoreBridge system, navigate to Settings / Integrations / Marketplace


1. Once you have navigated to the Integration Marketplace, select Customer Engagement

Note: Listen360 can also be found within the All folder, or by using the search filter.

2. Select either Learn More or Listen360 below.

3. Select Install.

4. Once installed, select View/Edit Settings to connect your Listen360 account to your CoreBridge system.
Note: This will redirect you to Settings / Integrations / Installed Integrations where all integration settings can be managed with Listen360 automatically being selected. The yellow clock symbol indicates that the account still needs to be connected before the integration can be used.

5. To connect your Listen360 account, you will be asked to enter the following:
     a. API Key - This will be found outside of your CoreBridge system, within your Listen360 API settings.

Note: To find your API Key, navigate to the Listen360 website and select your profile in the top right corner. From there, select My Profile. This will navigate you to a screen where you will be able to Click here to view and maintain your API key.

     b. Password - This will be the same password used for your Listen360 account. 

     c. Organization ID - This will be found outside of your CoreBride system, and is all the digits listed at the end of the URL seen when viewing your Listen360 dashboard.
Example: https://

6. Select Connect.

Editing Settings or Credentials

After connecting, you will have the ability to enter in the amount of days past invoicing you would like the survey to be sent. You also have the option to change your credentials in Listen360.

To make changes, navigate to Settings / Integrations / Installed Integrations and select Listen 360

1. Select the Details Tab.

   a. Click on the Edit Credentials button to be redirected to Listen360 in order to make changes in your credentials.

   b.Type in the number of days past invoicing you would like the survey to be sent.

Note: Changes made to the Feedback Survey Setting will automatically be saved.


Within the History tab, a record of Listen360's interactions with CoreBridge can be found. 

These interactions may include:

a. Listen360 Integration Installed - An account of when Listen360 was installed.

b. Note: Contact (Contact Name or ID) was not synced due to unmatched or incomplete data - When your Listen360 account connects with your CoreBridge system, a sync will automatically occur to ensure CoreBridge has all needed information to automatically send surveys. If CoreBridge does not find the needed contact information during the sync, specifically an email address, this message will inform you that the named contact will need more information in Listen360 before surveys can be sent.

c. NOT sent to (Contact Name or ID) - If a survey was not sent, due to an error or otherwise, it will be shown as not sent. If there was an error that led to the survey not being sent, the error message will show after the contact's name or ID. If you receive persistent errors and are unable to identify why, please contact [email protected] with the error message for technical support.
Example: Not sent to Meloney Holland with error: <error> Unable to create survey(s).

d. Survey sent to (Contact Name or ID) - Once a survey has successfully been sent, this message will appear in the history tab. 

Modified on: 2025-02-20 15:53:01 -0700

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