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Custom Pricing Tables

Custom Pricing Tables allow for creating a custom pricing structure within the system. Assemblies can be configured to read data from custom tables. This article is a simple overview to introduce the concept of custom pricing tables. 

Important Note: It is recommended to work with support on custom pricing tables as they can be very complex and cause significant pricing problems, please contact support at [email protected].

Table of Contents

Navigate to Settings / Components / Assemblies.

Setting Up the Custom Table

Custom Pricing Tables can be created within assemblies. The system will create a price based on the variables selected within the assembly for the custom table. This example will be a simple yard sign that will price based on # of colors and the area for each sign. You can add as many custom pricing tables as needed. 

1. Navigate to Settings / Components / Assemblies. 

2. Select an Assembly.

3. Go to the Pricing tab. 

4. Go to the top section, Active Pricing Methodselect Custom Formula from the dropdown list. 

5. Go to the Tables section, click on Custom Tables. 

6. Click + Add a Custom Table.

7. The Add Table screen will open for table details. Refer to the + icon for Help Tips. The red asterisk indicates required fields. Table properties need to be defined. 

    a. Table Name - Choose a name that will help indicate how this table will be pricing. This name will auto-populate the Variable Name field with spaces and special characters removed. 

    b. Variable Name - The variable name is used in pricing formulas to reference the values used in the table. 

Note: The variable name must be unique in the system without spaces.

    c. Lookup Type - The dropdown allows you to select the table type. 

Note: The system allows for Table List, which is 1 variable and Table Lookup which is 2 variables. 

   d. Description - This can help identify the purpose of the table to employees. 

8. Click Next Step.


9. The next step on the Add Table screen will be to add the data to the table. Refer to the icon for Help Tips.

Note: Options will vary depending on the variables used in assemblies and the selections that are made. The primary fields will be row and column variables and cell data type. Based on the assemblies and variables selected, different fields will need to be filled out for the primary fields. 

Example: Pricing a yard sign by area and number of colors will choose Area Each and Colors as variables with cell data type being a Number. Additional fields need to be filled out for those selections. 

        a. Row Variable - This is the row label displayed on the side of the table. Use the dropdown to select the variable that will be used in the table. If the ________ isn't found - This field wants to know how to handle the calculation if the variable value is not found in the table. Use the dropdown to select the condition. It is recommended to always start with a 0.

Note: The variable name is included in the field under the Row Variable. This will vary based on the variable selected.

Example: Use Next Lower Value if your table is 0, 3, 6 then if the value is 5 the table will use 3. 

        b. Column Variable - This is the column label displayed on the side of the table. Use the dropdown to select the variable that will be used in the table. If the ________ isn't found - This field wants to know how to handle the calculation if the variable value is not found in the table. Use the dropdown to select the condition. 

Note: The variable name is included in the field under the Column Variable. This will vary based on the variable selected.

       c. Cell Data Type - This is the data that is entered within the table, typically it would be a number in a pricing table. Use the dropdown to select the type. Unit Type - This is how the Cell Data Type will be displayed, such as percentages or currency. Use the dropdown to select the type. Display Format - This is the information that will be displayed. 

10. Click Done.

11. Once the table properties have been defined, populate the table with price values go to the Tables section, click on the Custom Table that has been created.

12. Click on the + icon to add columns and enter table header values for each column based on the variable selected.

13. Click on the + icon to add rows and enter row header values for each row based on the variable selected.

Note: You may need to use the scroll bar on the table to add additional rows. 

14. Enter price values within the table matrix for the corresponding rows and columns.

15. Click Save to save the table.


16. Changes can be made to the table at any time. 

    a. To Edit Table Properties, Clear All Table Values, Clone, and Delete a table, click on the Ellipsis in the upper right corner of the table. 

    b. Click on the Ellipsis next to the column header and click Delete Column. 

    c. Click on the Ellipsis next to the row header and click Delete Row.

17. Click Save to save the changes to the table.  


Custom Formula

1. Add the pricing formula for the table, expand the Custom Formula section for the Active Pricing Method. 

    a. In the Custom Formula box type the Table Variable Name, in this example we want to display as a number. 

Example: =YardSignsPrice.AsNumber

    b. Next add how you want the table value to calculate in the assembly. In this example, we want to multiple by the total quantity since the table is evaluating a price for each. 

Example: * TotalQuantity.AsNumber

2. Click Save to save the formula.


Estimate using a Custom Table

1. Navigate to Sales / Estimates, click the + icon to open up a new estimate. For more information on estimates, please go to Estimate Overview.

Note: This can be tested with an order instead of an estimate. 

2. Add the line item for the assembly the custom pricing table was added. In this example it is Cut Vinyl Signs. 

    a. Fill in the information on the line item. In the example we are pricing by each. 

Example: Quantity 4.

    b. The row variable selected for the custom pricing table, in the example, is Area Each.

Example: Area is 24in x 36in or 6 sq ft.

    c.  The column variable selected for the custom pricing table, in the example, is Colors.

Example: 4 Colors.

    d. The price should correspond to the pricing table calculation in the example, 6 sq ft with 4 colors. 

Example: $45.00 each times quantity of 4. 

    e. The table price for 4 yard signs with 6 sq ft area and 4 colors is $45.00 each. 

Modified on: 2025-02-20 12:52:33 -0700

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