After the initial creation of a company contact, you will have the ability to enter additional information and parameters to customize your working relationship. This includes specialized accounting details, the ability to track Estimates and Orders, and a section for custom notes about this customer and their preferences. For information on creating contacts, please see Creating Companies.
Table of Contents
- Accessing a Company
- Company Heading
- Company Details Tab
- Contacts Tab
- Estimates Tab
- Orders Tab
- In-Store Credit Tab
- Custom Fields Tab
- Files Tab
- Notes and Flags Tab
- History Tab
Accessing a Company
To find your Company Contacts, navigate to Sales / Customers / Companies.
1. Select the Company you would like to view.
a. Companies can be found quickly utilizing the Search Bar.
b. Conveniently search your Company list by expanding the Filter Bar and selecting your filter guidelines.
Company Heading
At the top of the Company screen is a bar with quick information about this Company.
Note: Some of this information is dependent upon package license and will only reflect the information you have provided down below.
a. Company Address and Phone Number.
b. Which Location handles business with this company.
Note: If you are interested in having additional locations, please contact [email protected].
c. Payment Terms selected for this company.
d. Pricing Tier for this company.
e. Preferred Salesperson.
f. Contact for this company. The icons to the right of the name indicate the Primary as well as the Billing contact.
Note: These can be the same or different individuals in the company.
g. This is the Total Balance still owed on all active Orders.
h. This is the total amount of available Store Credit.
i. Quick count of all open Estimates.
j. Quick count of all open Orders.
Company Details Tab
This contains the information you entered upon contact creation, as well as additional headings and fields. Providing detail here can help you tailor your business for the needs of this company.
Note: For more information on creating companies, please see Creating Companies.
a. Company Details Heading - This includes the basic information for this company including the name on the company, as well as the Primary and Billing Contacts. The External ID is an optional way to reference this customer.
Note: The External ID field will not be visible unless it has been enabled. This can be managed in Settings / Sales / Company Options.
Note: The Default Location field will only be visible for those with multiple locations. To discuss adding locations, please contact [email protected].
b. Roles / Team Heading - Set a specific team or individual employees to fulfill the selected roles for each estimate and order created for this company.
Note: For more information on Roles, please see Employee Roles and Permissions.
c. Customer Information Heading - The Status of a company will automatically update. When a company is created in your system it is set to Lead. Once an Estimate has been created for the company, the status becomes Prospect. After an Order has been placed the status becomes Customer.
Filling in the Company Origination and Industry can help you track where your customers are and how they found you. This information is helpful in determining marketing efforts.
d. Accounting Details Heading - This information lets you know how to charge your customer and when they will be paying their bill.
Note: For Payment Terms that include a Credit Limit you will need to decide on the terms of the Credit Line. When this is set to Standard, the default options you have set for Credit Lines will be applied. If you would like to customize these options for a particular company, set this to Custom. For more information on Credit Line Options, please see
Note: If Tax Exempt is checked, you will need to provide a Tax Exempt Reason and an Expiration Date.
e. Connectors Heading - All of the ways you have to contact this company.
Note: When entering phone numbers, do not enter any parenthesis or dashes as this may cause errors. Only enter in the numbers and the system will format the number correctly. Click the Cell Phone Icon to indicate the number is a cellular device.
f. Addresses Heading - Additional addresses are easy to add at any time by filling in the New Address field and selecting a Type from the dropdown. Once saved, you can use the ellipsis to set an address as the Billing or Shipping Default. You can also Get Directions using the latest Google Maps information.
Note: Your system is equipped with Google Autocomplete that will automatically finish filling in addresses as you type them. To enable Google Autocomplete navigate to Settings / System / Localization and check the Enable Google Autocomplete box.
Contacts Tab
This is a list of all contacts associated with this company and their information.
Note: For more information on Contacts, please see Creating Contacts
Estimates Tab
This tab contains a list of all Estimates associated with this company and a quick view of important information. Individual Estimates can be opened to see more detail by clicking on the Estimate.
Note: For more information on Estimates, please see Estimates Overview.
a. This allows you to navigate between Estimates and Drafts.
b. Easily add a new Estimate from this screen utilizing the Green Plus button.
c. Use the Search Bar or Filter to quickly find an Estimate.
Orders Tab
This tab contains a list of all Orders associated with this company and a quick view of important information. Individual Orders can be opened to see more detail by clicking on the Order.
Note: For more information on Orders, please see Orders Overview. For more information on Recurring Templates, please see Creating a Recurring Template.
a. This allows you to navigate between Orders, Drafts, and Recurring Templates.
Note: If you do not see Recurring Templates and would like to, please reach out to [email protected].
b. Easily add a new Order from this screen by utilizing the Green Plus button.
c. Use the Search Bar or Filter to quickly find an Order.
In-Store Credit Tab
This tab contains information regarding the available In-Store Credit available to this company. It also shows a list of transactions regarding changes made to the In-Store Credit.
a. In-Store Credit is tracked and used by location. This allows you to navigate between your locations.
Note: This is only present for those systems with multiple locations. To discuss adding more locations, please reach out to [email protected].
b. Use the Add Credit or Reduce Credit to manage the amount of In-Store Credit available to this company.
c. Use the Refund button to add Refundable Credit available to this company.
Custom Fields Tab
Any Custom Fields configured for this company would be available here.
Files Tab
Files pertaining to this company can be found and managed within this tab.
Note: For more information on Files and Folders, please see File Management.
Notes and Flags Tab
Notes and Flags are important tools to relay information about a company or specific customer preferences. All Notes and Flags for a company are stored within this tab and more can be added here by using the Internal Note or Company Flags text fields.
Note: For more information on Notes and Flags, please see Using Notes and Flags.
History Tab
This tab contains the History of all changes made to this company contact.