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Adding Reports and Documents

Documents are used to relay information to the customer regarding various transactions such as Estimates, Orders, and Invoices. Reports are powerful tools to gather important data about your business. They can be used to summarize and display specific information, allowing you to analyze facts quickly and efficiently. 

Table of Contents:

Adding a Document

To add a new Document navigate to Settings / Reports & Documents / Documents.

1. Select the appropriate tab. 

Note: This will become the Template Type and the section of the system where your Document will appear.

2. Click the Green Plus button.

3. Provide the necessary Details for the new Document. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

Note: All Documents added to the system are based off of preset Document Templates.

    a. Document Name - Give your Document a name that will make it easily identifiable to your employees.

Note: This name is for internal use.

    b. Document Description - This field is automatically populated based on the Document Template selected below. You can edit the text at any time.

    c. Template Type - The Template Type will automatically populate based on the tab you chose in step one. This can be changed by selecting a different Template Type from the dropdown menu.

    d. Document Template - Choose the appropriate Template from the dropdown menu.

4. Use the dropdown menu to select the Location you would like to limit this Document to.

Note: To discuss the option of adding more Locations to your system, please contact [email protected].

   a. To use this Document for all Locations, click on the X to set Location to All.

5. Use these fields to create Custom Text on your document.

   a. Custom Text 1 - This text will be displayed to the left of the totals. 

Note: There is a 5000 character maximum for this text field. There is a counter under the bottom right corner of the text field that displays the characters remaining.

   b. Custom Text 2 - This text will be displayed just underneath the totals.

Note: There is a 5000 character maximum for this text field. There is a counter under the bottom right corner of the text field that displays the characters remaining.

   c. Footer Text - This text will be displayed at the bottom of each page of the document.

Note: There is a 100 character maximum for this text field. There is a counter under the bottom right corner of the text field that displays the characters remaining.

6. Click Save and Continue.

Note: You may come back to your Document to edit at anytime. Changes made will be automatically saved by the system.

Note: The Custom Text as it would appear on an Estimate.

Adding a Report

To add a Report, navigate to Settings / Reports & Documents / Reports.

1. Click on the Green Plus button.

2. Choose either Report Templates or Existing Report.

3. Select the name of the Report you would like to add.

4. Click the Select button.

This will bring up a Details page with pertinent information. All Reports are based off of preset Report Templates so this information will automatically populate. It can be edited now, or anytime after you save.

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

5. Fill in the necessary Report Details.

    a. Name - The Name is required and will appear on the Report

    b. Description-  A Description will be automatically filled in here based on the Report selected. This information can be modified.

6. Use the dropdown menus to select the Report Type and Report Template. Your choices will determine what information and presets will be generated in the Report.

   a. Report Type - The Type selected will affect which Templates are available.

   b. Report Template - This is the building block of your Report.

7. Use the dropdown menu to select which Module or Modules this Report will be displayed in. You can also select which subsections of the Reporting Module will display this Report.

Note: Additional Report Menu Groups can be created at any time in Settings / Reports & Documents / Report Menu Groups.

8. Choose who can view the Report.

    a. Choose between letting everyone view the Report or limiting to certain Roles.

    b. Use the dropdown menu to select which Role or Roles will be able to view the Report.

Note: This dropdown is only visible when the Only Certain Roles option has been selected.

9. Click Save and Continue.

Modified on: 2025-02-27 10:36:51 -0700

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