Taxability Codes are used to group types of offerings together to determine whether an item is taxable, taxable with exceptions, or tax exempt. A taxability code is assigned in assemblies and used for calculating applicable sales tax.
Note: The system comes with default taxability codes for Goods, Service, and Tax Exempt, however additional taxability codes can be added.
- Creating Taxability Codes
- Customize Taxability Codes
- Filtering and Pinning the Taxability Code List
- Set Taxability Codes Inactive or Reactivate/Delete
Navigate to Settings / Accounting / Taxability Codes.
Creating Taxability Codes
1. Select the Green Plus icon.
2. Add New Taxability Code screen will open.
a. Name - Add a name that will identify the type of tax code.
b. Tax Treatment - Determines the taxability of the code, whether it is a taxable, taxable with exceptions, or tax exempt.
c. Excluded Tax Items - Tax items that need to be excluded from the taxability code.
Note: This is used when a tax code is taxable with exceptions. For more information on Tax Items, please see Tax Items.
d. Click Save.
Customize Taxability Codes
1. Navigate to Settings / Accounting / Taxability Codes.
2. Click on the code that needs to be customized, input the changes as needed.
a. Name - Add a name that will identify the type of tax code.
b. Tax Treatment - Determines the taxability of the code, whether it is a taxable, taxable with exceptions, or tax exempt. .
c. Excluded Tax Items - Add a custom tax item or use the default tax items.
Note: For more information on Tax Items, please see Tax Items. Changes are auto saved.
Filtering and Pinning the Taxability Code List
1. Navigate to Settings / Accounting / Taxability Codes.
2. Select the Filter icon on the right.
3. Filter Options will open.
a. Name - Enter a keyword to search.
b. Include Inactive - All inactive codes will be listed.
Note: Learn how to set taxability codes to inactive, reactivate or delete below in this article.
c. Clear Unpinned - This will clear all unpinned filters.
Note: See step 4 below to learn how to pin a filter.
d. Clear All - This will clear all filters.
Note: See step 4 for viewing a filtered list.
4. When a filter is setup through filter options it will show in this list.
a. Pin - Click the pin icon on a filter to pin a filter. This will keep this filter option even if you move off this screen.
Note: Click on the pin icon again to remove the pin.
b. Unpinned Filter - Keyword search filter.
c. Click Clear Unpinned or x on the filter to remove a filter.
Note: Inactive codes will be in italic.
Set Taxability Codes Inactive or Reactivate/Delete
1. Navigate to Settings / Accounting / Taxability Codes.
2. To set inactive, select the code that needs to be marked inactive.
3. Click on the Ellipsis on the right.
4. Select Set Inactive.
5. To reactivate a code, click on the Filter icon.
6. Filter Options will open, check Include Inactive.
7. Select the code to reactivate.
8. Go the the Ellipsis on the right.
9. Click on Set Active.
Note: A code can be deleted by following the above steps 5 - 8 and select Delete.