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Simple Items

Simple Items are basic building blocks for your business and represents individual components. Enabling Simple Items speeds up the workflow of Estimate or Order entry by creating a line item for your most frequently ordered components that can be added to an Estimate or Order with just one click. Simple Items are perfect for businesses that specialize in one main product or service.

Ex: A company that specializes in installation services could create a Simple Item for their installation assembly that includes all their labor and transportation costs.

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How to Enable and Create a Simple Item

To enable Simple Items, navigate to Settings / Sales / Estimate and Order Options.

1. Check the box next to Enable Simple Items in Estimate Entry. 

Note: This will also allow Simple Items to be available in Order Entry.

2. Select a Default Component. This will be your Simple Item.

Note: This can be any of your available Components as well as any Assemblies that you have created.

How to Use a Simple Item

Once Simple Items have been enabled and assigned a Default Component, there are several ways of adding them to your Estimates and Orders.

a. On a new Estimate or Order, Add Simple Item will show as a button to the right of the Add Line Item button.

b. When the Estimate or Order already contains a Line Item, you will see Add Simple Line Item as an option in a dropdown menu underneath Add Line Item.

c. When hovering your cursor just above, below, or in between existing Line Items, you will see an option appear that allows you to quickly add an Item or a Simple Item exactly where you want it to go.

Note: Once you have added the Simple Item to your order, proceed as you would with any other Estimate or Order. For more information on Estimate and Order Entry please see Creating an Estimate/Order.

Modified on: 2025-01-28 10:16:43 -0700

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