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System Overview

CoreBridge is a powerful business management tool that allows businesses to organize and maintain large quantities of information; from pricing and workflow to employees and sales goals. Understanding CoreBridge's available features, as well as general navigation throughout the system, empowers users to get the most out of their system. 

For more available resource articles on the CoreBridge system, please visit our Knowledge Base.

Table of Contents

Web Based System Information

CoreBridge is a web-based software, meaning the program can be functional directly through your internet browser without any needed downloads or installations. Simply open a new tab and enter your unique URL to access your system. 


CoreBridge can be also accessed at any time using your mobile device or tablet. The software is pre-configured to display correctly on smaller screens. 

We recommend using the following browsers for both web and mobile access to ensure optimal performance: 

  • Google Chrome.
  • Firefox.
  • Microsoft Edge.

Note: The customer portal is accessible from any browser.

Additionally, CoreBridge can be opened across multiple tabs, on multiple devices, by multiple people at the same time. 

Note: CoreBridge will never log you out of your system due to inactivity.

CoreBridge Navigation

The CoreBridge system contains a Navigation Menu on the left hand side of the screen that can be used to navigate to different parts of the system. This menu can be viewed at all times, or collapsed by clicking the collapse icon in the top left. 

Note: When collapsed, the menu can still be accessed by hovering your mouse on the far left of your screen. Clicking the collapse icon again will expand the menu back to its original place. 

The Navigation Menu is divided into three main elements: modules, sections, and subsections. 

a. Modules - Areas of information that have been grouped together based on their similarity and correlation.

Example: The Sales module, containing all relevant sales information and activity.

b. Sections - More concise pieces of the module.

Example: In the Sales module, there is a Customer section.

c. Subsections - More concise pieces of the section.

Example: In the Sales module, in the Customer section, there is a Companies subsection. 

d. Search Menu - In many areas throughout the system, you will have a list of options to select through once you get to the screen you are looking for. After selecting an option from the list, a Search Menu may appear to the right of you Navigation Menu. This Search Menu will contain the rest of the options from the list with the option currently selected showing highlighted in green. 

Example: After navigating to Sales / Customers / Companies, you can then select the company you are searching for from a complete list of all companies. The Search Menu will then appear on the left next to the Navigation Menu with the company selected highlighted in green and all other companies listed in the menu. 

Note: This menu can be collapsed in the same manner as the Navigation Menu by selecting the collapse icon.

e. Tabs - After making selections from main screens in the system, many areas will have the information organized into separate Tabs. Selected tabs will show in green text with a green bar beneath them. 

Note: Tabs will not show or be included in the Navigation Path.

f. Navigation Path - As you navigate through the system, a Navigation Path will display the path taken to get to the current screen in the format of Module / Section / Subsection / (any further selections made). As you read through various resource articles, this navigation path will frequently be used to relay where to start a task in the system. 

Note: Clicking on the text highlighted in blue will take you back to the previous screen. The black text indicated the screen you are currently on.

Search Bar and Quick Options

The Search Bar and Quick Options are located at the top of the screen throughout the system and can be viewed and utilized at any time. Click on a Quick Option to see a pop-up with a brief overview of information, hyperlinks that take you to more detailed screens, as well as the ability to add information. Messages and Notifications will redirect you to the that part of the system.

a. Search Bar - The Search Bar can be used to quickly search through Orders, Estimates, Companies, Contacts, Payments, Purchase Orders, or Credit Memos

b. Tasks - A quick view of personal tasks. Tasks can be managed in My Profile / Tasks. This pop-up contains a hyperlink that will direct you there.

c. Calendar - The Calendar will display a list of all favorited calendars, with an option to select a link that will take you to all calendars. 

d. Messages & Notifications - Clicking on either of these icons will redirect you to My Profile / Messages & Notifications.

e. Time Clock - A view of the logged in users time clock information will be shown here. It will include total hours for the day and week, current activity, today's history, and the option to clock in or out of an activity. A hyperlink can also be selected to redirect you to My Profile / Time Tracking

Note: Time Tracking is permission based. Not all users will have access.

f. Help - If you have questions about the system, you can enter them in the help search field, or scroll through a list of common topics to find a related article or guide. Selecting Help Desk at the bottom of the Help pop up will redirect you to the CoreBridge knowledge base.

Common Features

Throughout the CoreBridge system there are features that will be repeatedly seen, all having very similar functionality.

a. Help Tips - Help Tips can be found throughout the system and contain helpful information related to the feature they are found by. To view the Help Tip information, hover over the question mark icon.

b. Collapse - Menus can be collapsed and expanded using the Collapse icon.

c. Sort - Many lists can be sorted using the up and down arrow icons. 

d. Ellipsis - Ellipsis are found in many places throughout the system, typically on the right hand side of a feature, screen, or field. Hovering over an option in a list will also often present an Ellipsis that can be used to perform additional actions, such as clone or delete. Click on the Ellipsis to open up the options.

Note: If you have used the Ellipsis to set an item to inactive, most inactive items can be viewed again by clicking on the filter and selecting Include Inactive. 

e. Filters - In areas of the system where there are lists of options or information, there will likely also be an option to filter the information in the list. Selecting the Filter icon will open the Filter Options on the right hand side of the screen.

For questions on features and functionality, please visit our Knowledge Base or contact [email protected]

Modified on: 2025-02-19 12:37:27 -0700

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