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Orders Overview

Once an estimate is approved, it becomes an Order. Orders are purchases from customers that are in the creation process. Payment can be taken at this stage depending on the payment terms for the individual company or contact. 


To find all Orders, navigate to Sales / Orders. 

The Orders menu has three sections: Orders, Drafts, and Recurring Templates.


This tab contains all saved Orders and is organized to provide you with needed information quickly

 a. Order Number - unique ID number for the Order. Orders that have been moved to an Invoiced status may have a different prefix depending on settings.  

Note: Numbering and prefixes can be changed within Settings / Sales / Numbering Options or Settings / My Business / Locations under the Location Details Tab within a selected location. These changes only apply to future orders and will not change the prefixes retroactively. 

b. Company/Contact - which business or personal account the Order is for. 

c. Description - basic representation of what the Order contains. 

d. Salesperson - which member of your team sells to the customer. 

e. Created Date - the date the Order was saved to your system. 

Note: If the Order is being converted from an Estimate, the date here will reflect the date the Estimate was converted, not the date the Estimate was created.

f. Due Date - the date you or your team should have the Order completed by. 

g. Total - total price for the Order. 

h. Location - which location(s) will manage this Order. 

i. Status - an update on the progress of the Order through the workflow.

Note: Orders can be found using the Search Bar or the Filter Icon. Once selected, the Filter Options menu can search using the Order/Invoice #, Employees, Company, Contact, Voided Date, Salesperson, Status or Location.

a. Filter Icon - Select this icon to bring up the Filter Options menu.

b. Filter Options -  select items from the drop down menus or from the checkboxes. This will display all Orders that fit the criteria. 

c. Pin Icon - select this to make the Filter Option a default, meaning it will automatically apply when you open the Orders menu. Once an item is Pinned, it won't be affected by the Clear Unpinned Button.

d. Clear Unpinned / Clear All - use these buttons to remove filters that have not been Pinned.



This tab contains all Orders that have not yet been saved and is organized to provide you with needed information quickly.

a. Company/Contact - which business or personal account the Order is for. 

b. Draft Date - when the Draft was created. 

Note: Drafts expire after one month. This date can be seen in red below the Draft Date.

c. Description -  basic representation of what the Draft contains. 

d. Total - total price for the Draft. 

e. Entered By - who created the Draft. 

f. The Search Bar and Filter Icon can be used from within the Drafts tab as well.

Recurring Templates 

Creating a template for recurring orders is  a convenient time saving feature. 

To create a Recurring Template, select the Green Plus icon under the Recurring Templates Tab. This will read +Recurring Template when hovered over. This will take you to a new page where you will be able to fill in all pertinent information. To save as a template, select the green Save Recurring Template icon at the bottom.

Note: Recurring Templates follow the same basic structure as an Estimate or Order, including many of the same informational tabs. These are explained in detail below. 

Once a Recurring Template has been created, you will find it listed under the Recurring Templates Tab.

Note: Options for Recurring Templates can be managed by navigating to Settings / Sales / Estimates and Orders Options under the Recurring Templates Tab.

Order Information 

Select an Order, Draft, or use the Green Plus Icon to create a new Order in order to view the following information. 

Top Bar - basic details about the Order.

a. Customer - includes the Company and Contact. 

b. Order Description - representation of what the Order contains. This is customer-visible. 

c. Order Origination - this explains how the customer found you. Select an option from the dropdown menu. 

Note: Order Origination options can be managed by navigating to Settings / Sales / CRM Lists and selecting the Originations Tab.

d. Customer PO # - the unique ID number of the Purchase Order. 

e. Salesperson - which member of your team sells to the customer. 

Note: Items with a red asterisk are required fields. This can be managed by navigating to Settings / Sales / Estimate and Order Options, then selecting the Orders tab.


These are located at the top right of the Estimate and include: 

a. My Tasks - provides a quick way to create a list of items that need to be completed in conjunction with that particular estimate. To create a Task, select the green +New Task button.

b. Observing (Eyeball Icon) -set yourself or a team member to observe and track progress on the order. To set yourself as the watcher,  toggle the Yes/No switch. To select another team member as an observer, select Add Observer. 

c. Estimate Email Templates (Letter Icon) - send pre-created templates to customers. To edit these, select Manage Email Templates or navigate to Settings / System / Email Templates / Orders. 

  • Note: To use the templates, select the desired template. This will open a window to quickly send an email. Fill in the appropriate fields, then select Send Email. 

d. Documents (Paper Icon) - view associated Documents. To edit Documents, select Manage Documents. For more information, visit Intro to Documents.

e. Ellipses - quickly Create New Orders, Clone, Update the Order Status, Enter Payments, Create Credit Memos, or Void the Order. 

Note: Credit Memos are a paper trail for refunds. These are typically used for systems outside the United States. 

f. Order Status and Order Due Date - provides information on the workflow and when the Order is due. Select the Blue Pencil Icon to edit the Order Due Date. For information about statuses, visit Order and Item Status

Note: If an Order has been Invoiced or Closedthe Order will have a Lock Icon. For information on how to make edits to a completed Order, visit Editing an Invoiced Order

Line Items Tab

When creating an Order,  there is a feature to add a Quick Product or a Line Item. 

To add a Line Item, select + Add Line Item to open the tab with the following components: 

a. Assemblies - a customized combination of Machines, Labors and Materials.

b. Labors - different labors needed for a product to be created.

c. Materials - physical products sold by the business, or that will be used to create a product for a customer order.

d. Quick Products - pre-created products to be used in orders.

e. Favorites - any of the above components that have been selected by you. These also appear in the favorite column on the left.

f. Select a component, chose the individual items, and click Add. 

For additional information, visit Line Items Overview.

Note: Proofs can be uploaded through an individual Line Item under the Customer tab.

Order Details Tab

Note: when the Order status is set to Invoiced or Closed these fields will not be able to be edited. For more information on unlocking an order, please see Editing an Invoiced Order.

Basic information about the Order including: 

a. Billing Address - select the correct Address or select New Address from the drop-down menu. Use the Ellipses on a selected Address to remove it.

b. Roles - employees assigned to specific positions for this Order. Select Add New to add additional Roles. For more information, visit Employee Roles and Permissions.

Sales Details - additional details about the Estimate including: 

c. Tax Group - how the Estimate will be taxed. 

d. Make Order Tax Exempt - when this is checked, you will be required to input a Tax Exempt Reason and Tax ID. 

e. Tax Exempt Reason - use the dropdown to select the reason this order will be tax exempt.

Note: Tax Exempt Reasons can be managed by navigating to Settings / Sales / Reason List / Tax Exempt. 

f. Tax ID - identification number used by this company for tax purposes.

g. Sales Location - where the Estimate will be sold through. 

h. Production Location - where the Estimate will be physically created. 

Note: The Production Location and Sales Location may be different.

i. Order Milestones - dates and times for important Order events. These cannot be edited and will be automatically updated as progress is made.

Destinations Tab

How the Order will be transported to the customer. 

a. Use the Blue Pencils to edit the Dates. 

Note: Multiple Destinations can only be selected if you have more than one Line Item to transport. 

Purchase Orders Tab

Additional items that need to be purchased from a vendor before the Order can be completed. 

Note: To add a Purchase Order, select the Green Plus icon. This button reads +Purchase Order when hovered over. A new tab will open allowing you to fill in all necessary fields. After selecting Save, you will see the Purchase Order under the Purchase Order Tab on your Order.

Order Notes Tab

Internal notes for you and your team to communicate about the Order. 

a. Select + Order Note to add an additional note. 

Custom Fields Tab

Special information fields created by you. 

a. Multiple tabs indicate multiple Custom Fields. 

Files Tab

Upload relevant documents. Use Folders to organize multiple Files. 

History Tab 

Information about the changes made to the Order includes: 

a. Date/Time - time stamp of when the change to the Order occurred.

b. Action - activity on the Order. 

c. Description - additional details on the action. 

d. User - who affected the changes on the Order.

Note: Order History is sectioned into two categories: Order Edits, which are basic changes to the order, and GL Entries,  which are financial changes.

Pricing Bar 

Includes pricing for the Order and can be expanded using the Green Arrow. Includes: 

a. Subtotal - this is the total before any discounts destination fees, or tax.

b. Order Discount - can be a percentage or amount. Select Order Discount to edit the discount. 

c. Destinations - any kind of fee that will be applied as part of shipping and delivery.

d. Pre-Tax Total - combination of Subtotal and Destinations, minus the Order Discount. 

e. Tax - the amount of Tax that will be charged on this order based on your settings.

f. Total - total amount owed.

g. Total Paid - this amount reflects any down payment or prepayment made by the customer. It is subtracted from the Total.

h. Balance - Amount remaining of the Total after any discounts or payments have been applied.

Note: Select Enter Payment to pay for the Order or Payment History to view all previous payments. For more information, visit Entering a Payment

For information about creating an estimate, visit Estimates Overview

For information about taking a payment, visit Entering a Payment and Payment Settings.

Modified on: 2024-10-07 10:36:32 -0600

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