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Line Items Overview

Within CoreBridge, Line Items represent individual items and products sold by your business. Adding and editing these items within your system can assist in checking customers out quickly, delivering accurate estimates, and creating effective orders.


Adding Line Items 

The process for adding Line Items is the same for all Estimates, Orders, and Quick Prices. 

To add a line item navigate to Sales / Estimates, Orders, or Quick Price. 

1. Create a new Order, Estimate by selecting the Green Plus Button

Note: When creating a new Quick Price go directly to step two.

2. Select Add Line Item. For information on the basic order/estimate building blocks, visit Creating an Estimate/Order

3. Select the components from the Assemblies, Labor, Materials, Quick Products or Favorites tabs. The amount of items selected from each category will display in blue numbers. 

  • Assemblies - a customized combination of Machines, Labors and Materials.
  • Labors - different types of labors needed for a product to be created.
  • Materials - physical products sold by the business, or that will be used to create a product for a customer order.
  • Quick Products - pre-created products to be used in orders.
  • Favorites - any of the above components that have been selected by you. These also appear in the favorite column on the left.

Note: to select an item as a favorite, hover cursor over the line of the desired item, then click the heart icon that appears on the right. The item will then automatically show in the favorites column. To remove a favorite, hover over the line and select the broken heart icon that appears on the right.

4. Select Add. This will automatically open the Line Item Menu. 

Note: Once a line item is added, the Add Line Item button will become a green bar. 

5. Enter the basic details. 

    a. Image - this is the image that will appear under the Customer tab and as the proof for your customers. 

    b. Name - this will be customer visible on documents that include the line item. 

    c. Status and Substatus - labels to track where the item is at in its workflow lifecycle.

    d. Category - the Category is another way of grouping line items. Categories can be a higher overview of what customers are frequently purchasing. 

Example: Signage, banners, or flyers.

Note: Categories can be managed at Settings / Sales / Line Item Categories.

     e. Tags - an additional label that can be assigned to line items to visually monitor progress, or provide more information. Please visit these articles for further explanation: Using Tags and Tag Set Up.  

    f. The Checklist icon next to the Name can be used to quickly view the Customer Item Description.

    g. Quantity - how many of the line items will be included in the order/estimate/quick price.

    h. Mark if the item is Vended  (Handshake Icon) - orders your business is not personally manufacturing. They have been sourced by a vendor outside your company.

    i. Mark if the item is Rushed (Rabbit Icon) - orders that need to be expedited.


    j. Use the Lock icon to lock the item's price. This prevents any line item or order discounts from being applied to the item. 

    k. Use the Ellipses to Move, Clone, create a Quick Product out of the line item, Add Notes, view the Variable Grid or Delete the item. 

    l. Select the Pencil icon next to Design Due or Production Due to change the respective due dates. 

Note: The arrows at the top left can be used to quickly navigate between multiple line items.

6. Input the needed information under Components. These are the individual pieces that comprise the Line Item.

    a. Select the Green + Component icon if you would like to add additional components to the line item. Once a Component is added, it can be quickly seen from this menu. 

    b. Use the Bill of Materials icon to view the Bill.  

    c. Use the Ellipses to MoveClone, create a Quick ProductAdd Notes, view the Variable Grid or Delete the component.

    d. The expand and collapse arrow will allow you to view the component details for each line item. 

    e. The information contained in this box will change depending on the component selected. Filing in the correct information pertaining to each particular component will keep your order and billing information accurate.

Example: Unit Price, Quantity, and Description.


7. Input Item Details. These can be edited during or after line item creation. 

    a. Input the Roles -  individual employees who will fill the needed positions for the line item. The required roles are marked by a red asterisk and can only be added from within the Order Details tab. For more information, visit Employee Roles and Permissions.

    b. Input the Sales Details - select a Production Location for the line item. 

8. Input the Item Notes. These notes are internal and can only be viewed by your team. 

    a. Design Notes - notes specifically for your design team.

    b. Production Notes - notes specifically for your production team.

    c. Internal Communication - messages for your entire team to view. 

9. Upload needed information to the Customer section. 

    a. Approvals - upload mockups and descriptions of orders for customers to review and accept. Enter information within the Draft section and select Post for Customer Approval to submit a proof. 

    b. Customer Item Description - add a description of the item to appear on the estimate, order, invoice and customer portal. 

    c. Customer Communication - directly message customers information pertaining to an order. They can view your messages from within the Customer Portal. 

10. Upload any needed Files for your team to view and use. Files can be attached from your device or via URL. Create Folders to organize multiple files. 

11. Use the sidebar to view and edit any financial information and view the overarching order details. 

    a. Use the Filter to view specific line items. 

    b. Component Totals - the initial cost of all the components. 

    c. Setup Fee - the fee created by you for the line item. This can be edited within Settings > Sales > Line Item Setup Fees. 

    d. Add a Line Item Discount if needed. Select the link to add a discount Amount or Percentage. For more information, visit Discounts

    e. Line Item Price - the total price (including Discounts) before tax. 

    f. Tax - the line item's tax rate. This can also be impacted by the business's individual tax settings. For more information, visit Creating Companies

    g. The bottom bar will reflect the Order Subtotal (without tax) and the Order Total (with tax.) 

12. When finished editing, select Back to Estimate View or Back to Order View.

Viewing the Line Item Within the Order 

Once you have selected Back to Order View, the line item will appear within the Line Items tab. This shows the basic header details that appear at the top of the Line Item Menu. These details can be edited from this screen, or by selecting the line item. 

    a. The individual Price of the line item can also be changed from this screen. 

Modified on: 2024-10-03 10:14:45 -0600

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