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Company In-Store Credit

In-Store Credit allows you more flexibility on payments and refunds within your company. Through CoreBridge, In-Store Credit easily can be increased, decreased, or refunded for each individual company. 

Managing In-Store Credit 

To find, add and edit in-store credit navigate to Sales / Customers / Companies. 

1. Select a Company.

2. Select the In-Store Credit Tab

Note: If the customer is a Personal Account, this information will be found within the Personal Account tab of Sales / Customers / Contacts.

The In-Store Credit tab is split into two main sections:

  • In-Store Credit - add and edit in-store credit. There are two types of in-store credit that can be used.
    • Non-Refundable - a credit that can only be used towards the next order such as a customer gift. This type can be reduced but not refunded as no money change has occurred.
    • Refundable - a dollar amount that can be applied to items or sent back to the customer.
  • Transaction History - view all past in-store credit refunds and added credit. Use the search bar to find specific items.

Adding and Reducing Refundable/Non-Refundable Credit 

To add non-refundable credit: 

1. Select Add Credit. 

2. Enter the Amount to Add.

3. Add any needed notes. 

4. Select Add Credit to add the credit to the company's account.

To reduce non-refundable credit: 

1. Select Reduce Credit. 

2. Enter the Amount to Reduce.

3. Add any needed notes. 

4. Select Reduce Credit to reflect the changes within the company profile. 

To add refundable credit: 

1. Select Refund.

2. Enter the Amount to Refund.

3. Enter the Refund Method. 

4. Add any needed notes. 

5. Select Refund to deliver the money back to the customer. 

Note: Both non-refundable and refundable credit are location specific. 

For more information on how to use In-Store Credit as a payment method, please visit Payment Methods

Modified on: 2025-01-07 21:08:09 -0700

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