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Quick Products Overview

Quick Products are a time saving tool that allow you to build completed items that can later be added to estimates or orders. Mastering Quick Products is key to streamlining the order creation process.


Creating Quick Products 

To create Quick Products, navigate to Sales / Quick Products / Manage.

1. Click the Green Plus icon.

2. Name the Quick Product. 

Note: This is the name that shows on the line item when used in an estimate or order.

3. Status and Substatus: The Quick Product will be added as a line item and subsequently will be set to the default line item status associated with the current Estimate or Order status.

4. Vended or Rush Icons: Select the Vended Icon (handshake image) if this Quick Product has an outside vendor associated with it; Select the Rush Icon (rabbit image) if this Quick Product needs to be rushed.

5. Label the Quick Product with a Category using the dropdown menu.

6. Add any necessary Tags. For more information, please see Using Tags.

Note: To create a new Category, navigate to Sales / Quick Products / Categories. Select the Green Plus icon then choose a category name and select the green checkmark to save.

7. Components Tab - Add needed Components by selecting the green +Components icon. Fill in all necessary information.

8. Item Notes Tab - Add information regarding design or production for your team by typing in the appropriate boxes.

9. Customer Item Description Tab - Add an optional description about the item.

10. Files Tab - Upload optional Files to help with the creation process.

11. Quick Product Details - Fill in the appropriate information using the dropdown menus and checkbox.

   a. Quick Product Name: The name in this field will automatically populate as the name listed on the Quick Products page.

    b. Choose a Category from the dropdown menu. To add a new Category navigate to  Sales / Quick Products / Categories.

    c. Checking this box will limit use of this Quick Product to the user who created it.

    d.  Use the dropdown if you would like to limit the use of this Quick Product to specific companies.

Note: If you have multiple locations in your system, you will also have the option to limit your Quick Product to specific locations using a similar dropdown.

12. The total for the Quick Product will appear at the bottom right.

13. Click Save and Back to Quick Products.

Note: There is a Cancel button located in the bottom left corner if you choose not to save your work.

Using Quick Products 

To find and use quick products navigate to Sales / Orders or Estimates and select the desired order/estimate or create a new one. 

1. Select Add Line Item. 

2. Navigate to the Quick Products tab. 

3. Select a Quick Product

4. Select Add. The Quick Product will now be added to the order and can be edited as needed. 

Modified on: 2024-09-30 13:20:17 -0600

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