Within an individual board, each section can be expanded to use extra tools, show additional features, and work with the customer. This feature allows you to edit and use board items without needing to find the item individually. Boards are a section found within the Sales, Production, and Management Modules.
Table of Contents
- Opening the Side Panel
- Understanding Estimate and Order Board Side Panels
- Understanding Item Level Side Panels
Opening the Side Panel
1. Click on any item within a board.
A side panel should appear on the right. This applies to both List and Card View.
Note: Use the arrow icon on the top left to expand or close the panel.
Understanding Estimate and Order Board Side Panels
Boards will show information for Orders, Estimates, Order Items, Estimate Items, and Order Destinations. The Side Panel will be the same as follows for all Order, Estimate, and Order Destination boards:
a. Link to Estimate or Order Line Item Details - this will open a new page with the Line Item Details tab automatically opened.
b. Estimate or Order Number - this will open a new page that shows the entire Order or Estimate.
c. Estimate or Order Information - this section contains the available information for this Order and can include company Name, Contact Name, Salesperson, Order Origination, PO#, and Order Description.
Note: Hovering over each item will bring up additional information with an option to click on a link for further details.
d. Order Due - click on the Blue Pencil icon to edit the due date.
e. Status - hover over the Status to view milestones and progress.
f. Email Icon - quickly send Email Templates.
g. PDF Icon - view and use Documents.
h. Ellipses - open the Item in a new tab.
i. Line Item - view all Line Items in an Estimate or Order. Select a Line Item to view additional details.
j. Estimate Details or Order Details - quickly find information about the Estimate or Order. This includes Billing Address, Roles, Sales Details, and Estimate or Order Milestones.
k. Billing Address - the address associated for the bill on this Order.
l. Roles - Employees assigned to specific positions for this Order.
m. Sales Details - this includes information on Tax, specifically whether or not this Estimate or Order will be Tax Exempt. Locations for selling and producing this Order are also listed here.
n. Order Milestones - dates and times for important Order events. These cannot be edited and will be automatically updated as progress is made.
o. Destinations - how the Estimate or Order will eventually be delivered to or picked up by the customer.
p. Purchase Orders - manage all Vended Items.
q. Estimate/Order Notes - input any additional information.
Understanding Item Level Side Panels
If you are in an Item Level Board, the Side Panel is split into a header and five subsections. Select any of the Line Items, like Material, Labor, or Assembly, within the Side Panel to open a pop-up screen complete with more details.
a. Header - hosts hyperlinks to perform various tasks.
b. Item Name - this is the name on the specific Item for the panel you are currently viewing.
c. Information- this section contains the available and pertinent names for this Order including Company, Contact and Salesperson.
Note: hovering over each name will bring up more information with an option to click for even more detail.
d. Status - hover over the Status to view milestones and progress.
e. Rush and Vended Icons - click on the icon to add a designation to the Order. If a particular icon has been selected it will be highlighted in color.
f. Email Icon - quickly send email templates.
g. PDF Icon - view and use documents.
h. Ellipses - open the item in a new tab.
i. Item Details - view Tags, Roles and additional details about the Item.
j. Proof Image - add or edit images here.
k. Tags - use the dropdown to assign Tags to this Item.
Note: if there are Tags assigned to this item, they will show as colored rectangles just underneath the Order Status.
l. Status and Substatus - update and view the Status for this Item.
m. Production Location - the address for Production that is associated with this Order.
n. Due Dates - view or edit the Design and Production due dates for this Item.
o. Roles - Employees assigned to specific positions for this Order.
Note: Dropdowns that are grey are not available to update. This would be the case if it is an Estimate that has a status of Lost, Approved, or Voided. Or, on an Order with a status of Invoiced or Closed.
p. Components - shows all Assembly, Machine and Material details.
q. Item Notes - enter in Design Notes, Production Notes and Internal Comments.
r. Customer Notes - this subheading includes notes and information to and from your customers.
s. Approvals - post proofs for your Customer to approve or request changes here.
t. Item Customer Description - brief description of what the Customer is requesting.
u. Customer Communication - messages posted here will be visible to your Customers through their Customer Portal under the associated Order. Messages written in the Customer Portal will be visible here as well.
v. Files - upload any relevant Files.