Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Lists help you to track your marketing efforts.
CRM Options help you monitor your customers' statuses. These features are found under Settings/Sales and then CRM Lists or CRM Options.
1. CRM Lists give you a way to categorize your customers by Industries and Originations when creating a new company.
Note: You can also add the origination on an estimate/order.
Being able to track this information can give you the data and insights you need to determine how to best spend your marketing budget.
Note: You can make industries and originations required when setting up a new company and/or when creating a new estimate/order by selecting these options at Settings/Sales/Company Options.
A. Industries are the fields of business your customers work in. By setting up industries, you can track which ones you regularly do business with so you can maximize your marketing plans.
Adding New Industries
1. Click the plus sign.
2. Enter the name of the Industry.
3. If needed, add a Parent Industry—a general category that can be broken down into related industries.
4. Click the checkmark when you're ready to save.
5. Sub-industries are automatically sorted in alphabetical order below the parent.
Advertising = Parent Industry
Outdoor = Sub-industry
B. Originations are the different ways that a customer can hear about your business or what prompts them to place a new estimate or order. Setting up originations can help you track how your customers are finding you.
Examples: A new customer saw your company at a convention event booth.
A current customer heard a radio ad for a sales promotion you're running and decided to place an order to get that deal.
Adding New Originations
1. Click the plus sign.
2. Enter the name.
3. If needed, add a Parent Origination—a general category that can be broken down into related originations.
4. Click the checkmark when you're ready to save.
5. Sub-originations are automatically sorted in alphabetical order below the parent.
Broadcast = Parent Origination
Radio Ad and TV Ad = Sub-originations
2. CRM Options allow you to define timeframes for Leads, Prospects, and Customers to create estimates/orders before their accounts become Stale.
Lead = No Estimates/Orders have been created
Prospect = Estimate(s) but no Orders have been created
Customer = At least one Order has been created
Note: A Stale Contact Status helps salespeople know when to follow up with an account and will return to active status once an estimate/order is placed.