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Editing Email Templates

Once an email template has been created from Settings/System/Email Templates, you can click on the template to open it and then click the Template tab to enter the email text.

1. You can choose a Sender's Primary Email Address for all outgoing emails that will use this template.

2. Email templates use Merge Fields to automatically reference and populate information from the system into email fields or the email body. You can edit an existing merge field, insert a custom merge field, or insert a popular merge field.

A. To edit an existing merge field, click on a green merge field link. The Edit Merge Field modal will appear where you can update the merge field by either deleting the existing data or by clicking the dropdown menu and clicking the back arrow to select the type of data that will automatically populate.

B. To insert a custom merge field, type two open curly brackets {{ by clicking shift + [[ into a field. The Insert Merge Field modal will appear, allowing you to click the dropdown menu to create a path to the information you want to be populated from the system.

Example: This template uses the merge fields Order, Contacts, Primary, and Email in the Default to Address, which will pull the email address of the primary contact associated with the order.

C. If you click on the open curly brackets icon from the toolbar, a list of options will pop up showing Popular Merge Fields.

Note: You can also walk through the previous steps by clicking the Insert a Custom Merge Field link.

3. Enter a Default Email Subject with or without using merge fields.

Example: Type “Your Order Has Been Created:” and add merge fields to populate the order number and company name.

4. Customize the Email Body using a combination of text and merge fields.

5. Click the Preview tab to see how a template will appear to customers.

6. Enter an existing order number in Preview Order # to generate the template.

7. Choose a Default Attachment and enter a File Name to send each time the template is used.

8. Upload files and make New Folders to use as attachments for email templates under the Files tab.

Modified on: 2023-08-07 20:33:03 -0600

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